Anime decor is a must for all the anime fans out there in the world. We love to decorate our rooms with Japanese manga culture products to make them more relatable to our interests. But finding various anime decor ideas can be a hassle that no one wants to face.

This is where we come to your rescue with 11 anime decor ideas that you can utilise for any occasion. Below, you will find the ultimate guide on how to decorate your bedroom with a diverse range of Japanese pop culture products and make it feel like heaven.
After hours of research, we have put these ideas together to suit anyone's needs. We can even guarantee you from personal experience that this is the best list you will find on the internet. So, if you are also a true anime fan, keep on reading!
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Action figures
Action figures are one of the most basic anime decors that you can find for your room. The best thing about them is that you can place them anywhere, and they will brighten up that area. Action figures are replicas of your favourite characters.

Action Figures Toy Set
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Besides serving the purpose of decorating your living room, you can also buy it to add to your collection. There are many hardcore collectors out there who are always on the lookout for rare action figures. So, if you are also one of them, then this is a no-brainer for you. These anime home decor items can also work great for parties. Any fellow Otaku is bound to admire your collection and fill you with praise.
Just don't clump up many figures at a single place, and you are good to go. For example, imagine coming home from a tiring day at work. You sit at your desk and look up to find a Luffy action figure sitting there. His bright smile is bound to cheer you up and help you to finish the day on a solid note.
Neon Lights
Make your own decorative Japanese characters using neon lights. Neon lights are a fun anime decor DIY that fans of all ages can utilise. The best part about these neon lights is that you can bend them to form any shape that you want. And since we are talking about our fellow weebs here, they will likely use it to do Japanese writing.

LED Strip Neon Lights
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Neon lights are very versatile, and you can use them for almost any occasion. But in our opinion, they are the best anime decor for any party. The neon lights will help you set the vibe and pull off a successful party.
It is also kind of artsy, and you can get as creative as you want with these neon lights. It is unnecessary that you only have to do Japanese writing with them. You can make up various shapes and symbols that are related to your favourite anime. For example, if you are a Fairy Tail fan, you can bend these neon lights to form their crest and hang it up on your wall.
Anime Scratch Off Poster
Anime Scratch Off Poster is perhaps one of the best innovative anime decors that you can find. Any passionate fan must have one of these in your rooms. In addition, it serves as a bucket list for all the best anime out there that you want to complete. And the best part is that there are almost 100 titles for you to cross out on this poster.

100 Anime Scratch Off Poster
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The way it works is that after you complete watching a particular show, you need to take a coin and scratch off the respective portion in the poster. You will see an image of that show slowly revealing itself, indicating that you have completed that series. Besides, you can keep it in your room and even flaunt it in front of your peers.
They will not only be amazed by such a unique concept, but you can also show them how many titles you have finished watching. This scratch-off poster can serve another purpose too. We all know how hard it is to keep track of the anime we just finished watching and the ones we want to watch. So buy this product from the link provided, and you will have a beautiful tracker in your hands.
Wall Decal
Wall decal comes under another interesting anime decor idea that you can try. The thing about wall decals is that very few people know about them. Hence, it makes up the perfect chance for you to get something unique for your bedroom. A wall decal is like a sticker that you can paste on your wall to decorate it.

Anime Wall Decal
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It looks stunning and aesthetic. So, if you are thinking about making some changes in your living room, you should definitely start with a wall decal. They look lively and add that extra bit of touch to your room.
The visual appeal of a wall decal makes it stand out among the rest of the anime decor ideas. But, you need to keep in mind not to put it just anywhere. Instead, choose a side in your room where the wall decal gives the best value and is easily spotted by everyone.
Just like action figures, posters are also basic anime decor ideas to liven up your room. Like a wall decal, you can put them up on your walls to give them a splendid decoration. Posters also act as collectables, showing how much of a serious fan you are.

Anime Posters
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You wouldn't go to a newbie Otaku's house and find rare posters. Another great thing about these posters lies in their varieties. You can avail yourself posters from any of your favourite show with an epic scene portrayed on them.
Let's take the example of Demon Slayer. After the Mugen train hype, its poster has been in high demand, selling like hotcakes. It looks terrific on the eyes and is bound to catch people's attention if you throw a party in your house.
Wall Scrolls
Wall scrolls are kind of like anime posters except in the form of a scroll. They are mostly show-specific, with an iconic character pose or scene imprinted on them. But you can also get various other wall scrolls like the members of the Seven Deadly Sins, with each having a separate wall scroll depicting their face.

Wall Scrolls
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It is also effortless to decorate your room with a wall scroll. Unlike wall decal and posters, you don't need to stick them up on your wall. Instead, you need a hook where you can hang it and leave it there.
Wall scrolls are best suited for your living room or study space. For example, a wall scroll with Toga Himiko or the Elric Brothers looks better than an empty wall. And if those characters are not to your liking, you can choose from a wide variety of options available to you.
Manga Books
Manga books fall under bedroom anime decor, which makes up for a collector's heaven. But, unfortunately, we mainly read manga books as digital copies from their official websites. While that experience is great and gets the job done, nothing even comes close to reading it from the official manga volume.

Japanese Manga Hardcopies
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The feel of a manga book in your hand is far more enjoyable than staring down your phone and reading the weekly chapters. Booknerds will agree with us that you should always try to buy manga books and read from them whenever possible. While there is no harm in reading them digitally, once you get the experience of books, you wouldn't want to switch again.
Manga books can also be stacked up on a bookshelf to decorate your room. They have colourful covers with serial numbers, and you can organise them according to that. Thus, manga books serve the dual purpose of supporting the creator and adding to your unique collection. People who consider themselves true fans rarely have manga books in their homes. And if you also feel like one such fan, you wouldn't want to miss out.
LED Strip Lights
If you are looking for anime decor to brighten up your study or workroom, then look no further than LED strip lights. You can get creative with neon lights and shape them up to make interesting Japanese words.

LED Strip Lights
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LED strip lights are the best anime decors for a party. The main reason for that is that you can buy these LED strip lights in various colours. So there is a wide range of selections available for you to choose from and decorate your party according to your taste.
However, that's not all! You can also use these LED strip lights to decorate other items like your action figures or manga books. This way, the spotlight will be on your collection for the guests. You just need to make sure not to overdo the decorations.
Plush toys
For anime decor for desks, plush toys are undoubtedly the best. They are adorable, and you can almost place them anywhere in your house. Furthermore, from the shelves to the desk, they will fit in everywhere.

Plush toys
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And you can also place them on your bed and sleep with them at night. After all, who wouldn't want to have a Luffy or Tanjiro plush toy by their side? They are delightful characters, and their plush toys also give out the same vibe. The other fascinating thing about plush toys is that you can give them as presents.
And if you want to give a gift to an Otaku, plush toys are the most adorable ones you can find. In addition, they don't take up a lot of space in the room and don't make it seem empty. Thus, we can all agree that plush toys provide a lot of value.
Anime Night Light LED Lamp
Anime night light LED lamps are one of the most stunning and visually appealing anime home decors. There have been countless times when we have wondered if we could somehow change the lighting in our rooms.

Night Light LED Lamp
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Well, you can certainly do so with these night light LED lamps that come in a wide range of colours. So you can select any one light colour based on your preference and see your room getting filled by it.
These night light lamps will work best for parties to set up the mood. So, if you plan to organise one in the future, it is a must-have. Also, you need not worry at all about the safety of the lights. They are entirely harmless to the eyes and do not cause any dazzle or discomfort.
Fashion Pieces on the Wall
The last anime decor idea on our list is fashion pieces on the wall. This is a very creative form of decorating your room, by which you will be sure to catch your guests off guard. However, unfortunately, not many people can even think about putting their favourite shows' fashion pieces on the wall.

Japanese Manga Fashion Pieces
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Interestingly, this fashion piece can be any Japanese show's merchandise ranging from hoodies to t-shirts. You have probably seen some people hanging their favourite player jerseys in that way. Now, you can also do the same with fashion pieces related to anime.
You can even frame them if you want to. It will just further help in elaborating this fantastic idea. Moreover, you can also collect these fashion pieces if you manage to get your hands on some rare items. That's the fun about using this idea, as it provides a lot of versatility.
Want more awe-inspiring ideas of how to design your home to reflect your favourite Japanese comics and shows? Next, we recommend checking out our definitive guide on Anime bedroom ideas!