Feng shui coins may be the perfect choice for you if you're looking for a way to add some sacred ornamentation to your home or office. Many believe that the spiritual coinage will bring good luck and prosperity into your space. Hence, you can place them in various ways to achieve different results.
In this article, we'll take a look at the symbolism and meaning behind this sacred Chinese coinage. So, read on to find out the best ways to place them in your environment.

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Coin Symbolism
Feng shui coins are ancient Chinese money. The coinage is usually round, with a square hole in the middle. The round coin and squire hole represents the sacred union of Heaven and Earth, known as yin and yang in Chinese philosophy.
You can find these sacred symbols on many feng-shui items, from wind chimes to bells, but they are especially prevalent on coinage.

The sacred symbol of yin and yang is depicted by two interlocking semicircles, with one half representing the feminine energy of Yin. In contrast, the other represents masculine energy Yang. You'll also notice that there is a dot or a line inside each section in some pieces to signify this balance.
The coinage also features a mantra in Chinese script, translated as "May good fortune be with you." Hence, by using the Chinese coinage you will bring luck and prosperity into your home or office.
Meaning in Feng Shui
The sacred symbols of yin and yang bring good luck and prosperity into your environment. Coins of feng shui can be placed anywhere in your home or office, but people mostly place them on the front door as entryway ornamentation.

Feng Shui Placement
There are eight types of Yin-yang energies. You should keep these in mind when considering where to place feng shui coins.
Each energy is linked to a specific compass direction. So what are the benefits of placing these Chinese coins money in particular directions? Let's have a look at the benefits of placing coinage pieces at four of the eight cardinal points.
The north energy is called Kan. This energy is associated with activating positive changes in one's life and career.
The south energy is called Li. Li energy is the energy of growth and abundance.
The east energy is called Ken. The ken energy is associated with good health, wisdom, and family harmony.
The west energy is called Gen. This is the energy of creativity, change, and surprises.
Feng Shui Coins Under Bed
Placing them under the bed will bring good luck and wealth while you sleep. Therefore, these pieces act as a sacred ornament and help activate the energy of abundance in your space.
You can place any feng shui coin under your bed, but it's especially beneficial to use sacred Chinese coinage for this purpose.

Feng Shui Coins at Front Door
The front door is the entrance to your home or office. Therefore, the front door is the most crucial area for feng shui. This is why many people choose to place sacred Chinese coinage here as an ornament to bring good luck and prosperity into their space.
Feng Shui Coins in Wallet
Another popular way to use feng shui coins is by keeping them in your wallet. So, if you’re looking to attract wealth and abundance, you can purchase a coin talisman and keep these sacred ornaments in your wallet.
Hopefully, it will promote good fortune wherever you go. It's especially beneficial to carry these sacred Chinese pieces in your wallet if you're looking for a financial windfall.
Number of Coins
The number of coinage you use is also an essential consideration for Chinese spiritualism. The best numbers for attracting wealth and abundance are three or six, so try to use these numbers whenever possible.
If you're only using one coin, it's best to place it in the north area of your home or office. This is because putting one feng shui coin in the north area will help to promote success and abundance in your space. You can also carry this coin with you wherever you go for an extra boost of good luck.
Three is a trinity symbol. Three pieces symbolise luck for heaven, earth, and the people. So, if you give someone three pieces, you and the receiver will receive good fortune.

So, what’s the 5 feng shui coins meaning? With five pieces, it's best to place them together in the north area of your home or office. If you do this, it will help activate all four elements - wood, water, fire and earth energy, which are considered sacred for prosperity.
Are you looking for the 7 feng shui coins meaning? Place them together in the north area of your home or office. Putting them in the north will help activate all five elements (wood, water, fire, earth, and metal). Moreover, it will also help unlock the heavenly energy. Hence, the energy of the five elements will bring you abundance.

The ten sacred Chinese coins meaning is simple. It’s best to place them together in the north area of your home or office. Similar to seven pieces, placing ten pieces in the north will help activate all elements and heaven energy. You can also carry one coin with you wherever you go.
Combining Feng Shui Coins with Other Symbolism
It's also possible to combine sacred feng shui coin symbols with other sacred symbols. These include the dragon, turtle, frog, water fountain, and Bagua.
If you're combining the coinage with the feng shui dragon, it's best to place the pieces in the east area of your home or office. The dragon and the money will help activate the energy of both sacred symbols and promote good luck and success in your space.
Combining these Chinese ornaments with a feng shui turtle symbolises financial abundance. So placing these two in your home or office will bring prosperity and wealth.
Legends say the money frog appears during a full moon at houses or businesses that will enjoy prosperity. Coined after a Taoist tale of a greedy wife who tried to steal the immortality Elixir, the feng shui frog is lured by money. So placing ancient Chinese coins in your home or business will attract the frog and bring money with it.

Water Fountain
Place a water fountain on the southeast side of the house. The southeast side signifies wealth. If you add two of these coins, it would bring prosperity to your career.
Sacred Bagua
If you're combining sacred Chinese ornament coins with a sacred Chinese coin, it's best to place them in the south area of your home or office. Putting them in the south area will help activate sacred symbols and promote good luck and success in your space.

What Should People Avoid When Using Coins in Feng Shui?
There are a few important things you should know while using this Chinese coinage. Feng shui has several different important aspects to keep in mind.
Some people believe that you should avoid using coins in feng shui if you're experiencing money problems. However, it's also important to watch out for the direction they face, as this can hurt your luck and success.
When using the coinage, ensure you watch out for yearly influences on the positioning of the pieces. Depending on the year, you may want to place your coins in the north or southeast sections of your home.

Make sure to declutter your home and always use coinage with positive energy. A dark and cluttered home can impact the energy of the coins.
Finally, consider the size. A regular feng shui coin is usually around 2.5 cm by 2.5 cm. Therefore, you should aim for coins in this size range. Larger or smaller pieces are not traditional.
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